Virtual SuperHeroes: Meet the GDSC Moi 2020/2021 Team

GDSC Moi University
6 min readJul 27, 2021


By Ivy Walobwa

These past few months have been difficult for everyone, but especially for tech communities. No one was prepared for the virtualization of all meetups.

I thought the pandemic was here for a month, or two, maybe three, nothing permanent; I was wrong. Uncertain of the future of tech communities, I took the role of being the first GDSC Lead at Moi University. The first batch of leads to run a community during a pandemic.No one to benchmark from.

I was forced to learn how to lead a virtual team; lead a group of people I’ll probably never meet. Evaluating my performance over the year, I did my best. The many challenges I encountered built strong leadership behaviors in me. Above all, I learnt how to build “The Virtual ‘A’ Team”.

What is my pride in my team?

  1. They help each other -having assigned specific tasks to each member, none of them felt confined. They are all more than willing to take over unattended tasks.
  2. They enjoy what they do -are always sharing about GDSC Moi and supporting what we do. A passionate member is a brand ambassador.
  3. In terms of what they are capable of, they are a diverse team — everyone has a unique skill or ability that they are willing to offer.
  4. Shared leadership- being the formal leader, most of the activities require my presence, however, my team is more than willing to represent me and take over the leadership function when I’m unavailable.
  5. They are fun and open. Meetings are usually relaxed and they always feel free to express their feelings on whatever matter.

The list is endless…

Remark from our program manager -Auwal

Meet the team and hear what they have to say. (😉stick to the end for tips on leading an effective virtual team).

Ivy Walobwa- Lead

An Electrical and Electronics Engineering Student. Passionate about building and managing effective teams.

My experience has been full of life lessons. From learning how to manage my emotions when working with my team to building meaningful relationships.

I’m glad that I’m able to apply the skills gained as MD; I’m able to confidently develop strategic plans and ensure my team remains committed through actions.

Ben Salcie -Projects Coordinator

A Mechanical Engineering student at Moi University. Passionate about crafting solutions for the community using current technologies. I write Android Apps most of my time. I also love giving back to the community and making new friends.

It has been an amazing journey being part of GDSC Moi with our most proficient leader Ivy Walobwa, the journey began with so many doubts and challenges, not so sure of how we would manage the people and ourselves. This journey has proved to be the most fruitful. I have personally learnt to work in an Agile team, delivering all the ultimate best in a diverse environment. Big thanks to Team GDSC Moi.

More on my Portfolio

Clifford Ouma -Vice Lead

A tech enthusiast with a special interest in front-end web technologies. There is just a way that tech excites me. I am a 2nd year at Moi University undertaking a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics engineering. I love web development and design-related stuff. I am a good listener and love to learn new stuff from others. I also love sharing what I know with others.

I was selected last year to be a core team member at GDSC Moi. One of the things I have learned while working in this community is that we all lack in some way. But working as a team cures that, where you lack in, your teammate fills. So you end up being a wholesome team capable of delivering with efficiency.
I also learned that a community has people of varying abilities, interests, and characters. To serve them, you just have to think from their perspective. It is all about them. What they want and what works for them.
It has been a wonderful time serving alongside my team members and I am happy to have worked with them.

Grace Muthoni Maina -Media & Creatives

A student engineer majoring in Civil and Structural Engineering.
Passionate about construction and technologies in the related field.
She has technical expertise in Web development (HTML, CSS, javascript) skills
In her free time, she enjoys reading books and outdoor adventures.
You can reach her on Twitter @GracieSonie, LinkedIn @Grace Maina

As a Media and creatives team lead-GDSC-Moi
I learnt how to lead a small team.
Most importantly I have learnt to be a team player and work together for a common goal.
Being in this role, has enhanced my publicity skills in person and social media space, team playing and I am more open-minded about the tech community.
The biggest challenge was familiarizing myself with the roles especially those that needed skills level up and beating deadlines.

Leila Sinore -Events Organizer

Undergraduate student of mechanical engineering, Moi University.

Skills: Machine learning with python, IoT, plc programming, and exceptional leadership skills. I write technical articles and I’m open to opportunities related to that.

I am the current lead for IoT network hub, Moi uni chapter.

For the past year as a GDSC Moi event organizer, I have learnt how to effectively lead a team, meet deadlines, always show up and give back to society. My technical skills have also improved.

Samia Yahya Mohammed — Treasurer

Incoming 4th-year student, currently attached at Mabati rolling mills, Mariakani.

Age: 22

University: Moi university

Course: chemical and process engineering

Skills: ChemCad simulation designing, technical writing, creativity resource, research, team player

Hobbies: adventure, traveling, swimming, reading

Passion: ready to learn (open-minded)

Learnt as a GDSC team member: leadership skills, benefits of teamwork, connection with others, perfecting communication skills, sense of purpose as a one of the core team lead, the best learnt is to raise other leaders

Ian Njoroge -Technical Lead

Undergrad Computer Science finalist and Laravel craftsman at Deviant Limited.

As part of the core team, I grew, connected, and learnt…a lot. Thanks to playing technical lead I grew planning and kinda managerial skills, connected with super fun like-minded individuals all over. You know what they say” Do your thing you never know who is watching”, I got an interview at Google. Hahaha, I never got the job but it was super fun interviewing with them.

Final TakeAway

Checklist of Excellent Virtual Leadership

  1. Reach out to your team often, communicate with them
  2. Ensure your team feels empowered to suggest and make decisions
  3. Involve your team in planning for events so that realistic deadlines can be set
  4. Constantly reevaluate your ways of running a community
  5. Practice active listening
  6. Don’t assume they will remember, do a follow-up
  7. Set clear expectations
  8. Get to know your team on social media

I couldn’t be more proud, working as a team has been an amazing experience. Having to build the first GDSC Community in Moi University during a pandemic is an outstanding feat of community management. We all hope to see our community grow stronger and do better.



GDSC Moi University

University based Community for Students interested in Google technologies. Grow your knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions